The love of God extends over the whole of creation.  It is the firm Christian belief that every life is precious to God.  As Christians, we believe that there is hope in death as in life, and that after death there is the Easter promise of new life in Christ.

Whatever the circumstances may be, the death of a loved one is immensley painful.  Even those with the strongest belief in the resurrection will experience a sense of loss that is very real.  Those who mourn need the utmost sensitivity, support and consolation.  Each of us will have had our own experiences of the life and death of those we have loved, each with our own memories of love, grief and respect.

In a funeral service, we come to express our feelings as we gather to pay our respects and to say farewell.  We gather to remember our loved one before God, to give thanks for their life, to commend them to God’s infinite mercy, and to comfort one another in our grief.

A funeral service may take place in church, in a cemetery or in a crematorium. To arrange the funeral service of a loved one please contact your local funeral director.